Oral Presentation Clinical Oncology Society of Australia Annual Scientific Meeting 2022

Shaping the future of cancer control – the Australian Cancer Plan (#84)

Dorothy Keefe 1 , Raylene Cox 1 , Carolyn Der Vartanian 1 , Adam Lambert 1 , Anna Boltong 1 2
  1. Cancer Australia, Strawberry Hills, Australia
  2. Kirby Institute, UNSW Medicine, The University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW, Australia

Cancer Australia is developing the first Australian Cancer Plan (ACP), a national 10-year plan to set a transformative cancer control agenda. Cancer Australia is embracing the opportunity to design and deliver a ground-breaking national plan to identify and address critical issues in cancer control that need collaborative, coordinated and national action. Achieving equity in cancer outcomes and experience is at the centre of the ACP. The ACP aims to make the vision of world-class cancer outcomes and experience a reality for all Australians now and in the future and includes national priorities covering the entire continuum of cancer. This session will provide a first look at the draft ACP and stimulate dialogue about what the future of cancer control will look like. It will have a key focus on how the ACP intends to improve disparities in outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and other priority populations whose outcomes are poorest. A Plenary presentation will be followed by a panel discussion led by Professor Keefe to bring to life aspects of the ACP through different experiential lenses. The panel discussions will centre on audience engagement to help shape the plan.